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1 Minute Chocolate Protein Brownie Cake Bowl


  1. 1/2 scoop protein powder- you can use unflavored, vanilla or chocolate. I use natural Designer Whey from Kroger

  2. 3 Tbsp almond, coconut, sweet potato OR baking flour.

  3. 1 Tbsp granulated sweetener of choice (I prefer an all natural, low calorie- stevia or Truvia. You can also use coconut palm sugar for a low glycemic option)

  4. 1/4 tsp baking powder

  5. 1/8 tsp salt

  6. 1 HEAPING Tbsp of unsweetened dark cocoa powder (adjust to desired chocolate content, I use Navitas Natural, Hershey would be fine too!)

  7. 3 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce (I'm sure you can use 1 egg white if you didn't have the applesauce but have not tried that)

  8. 3 Tbsp unsweetened diary milk (I used unsweetened cashew

  9. Splash of vanilla extra

Microwave version

  1. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well.

  2. Microwave for 30-60 seconds and remove from microwave and enjoy immediately. The less amount of time you microwave the more the brownie bowl will resemble a gooey- in -the -middle LAVA CAKE!

  3. Top with Enlightened or HAloTop Vanilla Protein Ice Cream for a more delectable treat!

Have it to yourself or share your chocolate creation!

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